Written by Victor Chukwu
Incubation period is that time between infection and the manifestation of signs and symptoms. It is commonly associated with communicable diseases, and differs respectively from one disease to another. Do you know the incubation period of Corona virus? That’s one you should know.
It is one thing to receive the promises of God, and it’s another thing to see it manifest. Most times, there is a period of waiting. God is God of timing though he is not controlled by time. He is outside time, but we can only understand the way he works by allocating time to it. The bible says there is a “process of time”. Abraham, David, Joseph and many other gospel heroes had to go through this spiritual incubation period, one way or the other during their life-time. God promised Abraham a child, which he believed, but it took many years before he saw the child. David was promised a throne, he didn’t sit on that throne till after many years. There is always an incubation period. What of Joseph? He had a dream of greatness, but went through phases of life before he became great. The assurance we have is that God said it, and if he said it, then surely it will come to pass. However, it is possible to be infected and yet do not manifest that disease. An intrinsic factor, the body’s immunity, or an external factor like drugs might disturb its manifestation. This can also happen spiritually. The word has been given, but intrinsic and extrinsic factors begin to alter the environment to block the manifestation of that word.
This is how you stay in tune until the manifestation.
Have Faith: Believe! Believe on Christ’s work on Calvary, and his transforming power. Then believe his promises. Don’t stagger in unbelief.
Have Focus: If you focus on the crown, you wouldn’t mind carrying the cross. You need to pay the price for the prize!
Have Faithfulness: Don’t ever get tired of being faithful. Joseph had the promise, but he didn’t see the manifestation till many years. His integrity was really tempted, but he stood strong. It’s only an incubation period, you will see the manifestation of that promise soon. Just wait.“For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry”